Delivery update
almost 7 years ago
– Sat, Feb 03, 2018 at 01:17:06 AM
It is with a nagging conscience that I post this update. I've been testing a few of the small number I've received, and while they work, they don't work as advertised. I've traced the issue down to a sub quality pair of chips, affecting both Ethernet and WiFi. I have been rather quiet since I have discovered this issue, primarily because I wasn't sure how the Kickstarter community would respond. However, having discovered this issue, contacted the manufacturer and agreed on a resolution that will eliminate the speed issue I've discovered, I feel it is, at the least, appropriate to post an update, being honest and informing everyone of what's going on. I apologize for my silence, however I want to make it right. I do want to offer refunds to anyone who is concerned over this development, but I do want to make it clear the updated estimate I have received shows all units in my possession as soon as July 2nd, 2018. If anyone does wish to cancel their pledge and refund, please message me directly, as I'll provide it asap. That said, I'm still working on all of the fine details and dealing with the lifetime provider to honor the deal, as well as looking into other options if they fail to provide anything.